About Us

Welcome Home Troops was founded in 2007 and established as a 501(c)(3) by February 2008. We have provided tickets for troops in California, Texas, Kansas, Oklahoma, Nevada, and Louisiana. Our events have included NHRA, NASCAR, Baseball, Wrestling, Disneyland, Knotts Berry Farm, Academy of Country Music, and small events for specific returning or deploying units in Dallas, California, and Nevada.

We have found that our most successful program is our Annual NASCAR event and Tailgate Party held at Las Vegas Motor Speedway; where we have hosted 3,000 at the Sprint Cup and as many as 1,800 for a single day event at our tailgate party.

We have provided nearly 40,000 tickets nationally for Military Families. We have sent over 40,000 cups of coffee to troops deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan. While we are proud of all that we have accomplished, we know as an organization with our vision we are capable of doing so much more.



To bring the hearts and minds of our soldiers’ home through healing and play one soldier, one family, one community at a time.


We strive to bring the hearts and minds of our soldiers’ home. It is our vision to do this primarily in three ways and we are always looking at new projects and programs to expand our efforts.

1. Through Play – we do this by introducing exciting and novel events into the lives of veterans through shared experiences with family and friends. With suicide and divorce being two of the biggest challenges facing our service members, the play that we provide is an integral part of returning the hearts and minds of our soldiers’ home.

By coordinating with events such as NHRA, NASCAR, professional sporting events and Academy of Country Music Awards and providing veterans and their families with once-in-a-lifetime VIP access at these events free of charge, we are restoring to our service members positive emotional connections with their families in a community setting. We strongly believe that until our service members can enjoy the simple things in life it is almost impossible to heal from their traumatic experiences.

2. Through Healing – once we have a hold of our soldiers’ hearts and they are present in the moment, we can bring them through their healing processes. Our vision is to do this in the following ways: PTS recovery programs the VA Triage Program, and the Post 9-11 War Memorial.

PTS Recovery Program © is a process of integrated services including NLP with Emotional Release Therapy, Timeline Therapy, NeuroFeedback Therapy, that includes a proprietary study guide, consisting of group study and mentoring, as well as non-traditional health care which includes chiropractic, acupuncture, and nutritional components.

VA TriageProgram © is a service that will help put our veterans back to work while providing much needed support to our existing VA Programs. We will do this by redirecting our worthy warriors into community services using their existing job skills in a program that will provide assessments, placement and treatment. We will work in tandem with the VA and the EDD to find where the need is and how we can provide the best levels of support through the coordinated efforts of respected community providers.

3. Through Honor – the Post 9-11 War Memorial©; a key component of healing for PTS to allow for the ability to reconcile with loss. This Memorial will allow family and friends of the fallen to honor and pay their respects, in the most personal way, including adding their non-military memories (coaching little league, playing with their children, volunteering at their local house worship, etc.) by uploading them into a permanent digital database. This will allow everyone to know the whole veteran, beyond their time in service. The Memorial will be a place to let the lost rest in peace and heal the hearts and minds of the living.

Our Board of Directors,

along with our Key Leaders and Volunteers ensure we can successfully support our troops.
Welcome Home Troops | Las Vegas Veteran | Concerned Veterans of America

Leo Garcia

John Follmer | Welcome Home Troops | Los Angeles Veteran

John Follmer

Vice President
Photo of Linda Ertwine, Board Member.

Linda Ertwine

Board Member
image of Andie Skilling and family

Andie Skillings

Advisor Committee Member
image of Sue Rebar

Sue Rebar

Founder and Consultant

Newsletter Sign Up

Welcome Home Troops Logo Image
644 Avenue G
Boulder City, NV 89005
Welcome Home Troops is a 501(c)(3)
Established in February 2008.
EIN 26-0711272
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